Safety Tips for Double-Bagging Asbestos in Preparation for Disposal

Once an asbestos abatement company removes the material from a building, safe disposal is next. It is vital to treat the disposal process seriously since simple mistakes can expose carcinogenic material. Unfortunately, it is easy to let your guard down during asbestos disposal, leading to asbestos fibres contamination and hefty fines by local authorities. Thus, observing strict asbestos disposal precautions is paramount. This article highlights tips for the proper disposal of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).  

Use Double Sides Tape -- After removing asbestos and asbestos-containing materials from a facility, an abatement crew must double-bag the content. Notably, double-bagging asbestos is perhaps the surest way of containing the fibres during transit to a licenced landfill. Typically, asbestos abatement crews use tape to seal the double bags so that everything stays in. That said, the type of tape used determines the safety levels of the disposal process. Although one-sided tapes are common in asbestos removal and disposal exercises, handling the non-adhesive side with gloves leaves asbestos fibres on the outside of a disposal bag. However, it is dangerous to a disposal crew since the wind can easily blow the fibres into the air. It is why double-sided tapes are the best for sealing asbestos disposal double bags. Since both sides of the tape are sticky, any asbestos fibres on the gloves will stick to the tape when hauling the bags into a garbage truck and enhance safety. 

Use Wet Paper Towel to Wipe Double Bags -- Once you have double-bagged and sealed asbestos-containing materials, it is essential to remember to wipe off the outside of the polythene bag. The reason is that asbestos fibres settle on the bag during collection since the entire process of bagging ACMs happens on site. Thus, abatement crews must wipe the outsides of the bags in a containment chamber before disposal. Most importantly, wiping the bags helps remove any asbestos fibres on the surface. Notably, wet paper towels are the best for the task because they trap asbestos fibres better than dry paper towels. Once done, dispose of the used paper towels inside another asbestos disposal bag.

Do Not Overfill Disposal Bags -- Overfilling asbestos disposal bags should be entirely avoided when handling ACMs. Notably, there should be enough room to tie disposal bags properly to keep asbestos fibres inside. Overfilling the bags leaves an abatement crew with little room to fasten and seal the load. Consequently, some technicians might force the tie. Unfortunately, it increases the chances of tearing the polythene bag, exposing asbestos fibres to the atmosphere. Therefore, a disposal crew should follow instructions regarding how much asbestos material each bag can accommodate for proper tying and sealing.
